Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, December 8, 1914


December 8, 1914

Dear Lady!

We have started out on what we call an Emergency Peace Meeting -- the sort of name I think we were looking for last summer after the parade!

Mrs. Pethick Lawrence has had splendid audiences in Chicago and has aroused a great deal of interest; so has Madame Rosika Schwimmer who has been speaking throughout the state <city> on Peace.

Many people who have heard them -- and numbers of women -- are very anxious to have a big meeting in Washington to urge some immediate action looking toward a cessation of hostilities.

I am really perplexed about it, and I wish very much you would talk to Paul Kellogg and see what he thinks about calling together our group, with a number of others, in Washington about January 6th or 10th. I think that the women's organizations all over the country would be glad to send representatives if we were quite sure that we knew what we wanted to do with them after we got them there!

Won't you please talk to Mrs. Villard, Mr. Kellogg and some others. It does seem a pity not to utilize all this enthusiasm! I don't believe we can keep from a large meeting in Washington [sometime] soon, there is such a demand for it. Mrs. Lawrence has already organized a committee there with which it would be easy to [cooperate]. Do tell me what you think of it! Mary sends her love and so do I.

Affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Lillian Wald
New York, N.Y.