William Hard to Jane Addams, January 15, 1905


The Chicago Tribune.

Chicago, January 15, 1905. 

Dear Miss Addams:

I have just finished reading your immigration article. I hope you will pardon me for saying that in acute penetration of thought and at the same time in glow of feeling you have attained to a combination of qualities not found in the same degree in anybody else now living. If I were less abrupt in expressing this thought of mine to you I should be just playing with my words and accommodating them to artificial standards. I cannot tell ↑you↓ how profoundly your picture of immigration affected me. I seemed to stand in the center of the subject and to revolve slowly round with a philosopher at my side commenting on the significance of each feature of the view as it appeared. Intellectual breadth and human tenderness together, how seldom are they found! And [page 2] you have them.

You have told me that you found it hard to write. I cannot believe it. Your paragraph on humanizing the new scholarship has exquisite expression along with its profound discernment.

I am writing this hurriedly. I only wish I had time to do justice to what I think about your whole article.

Very, very sincerely,
William Hard. [signed]

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