Flora Gapen to Jane Addams, May 11, 1912


May 11, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

Mrs. B. C. Gudden of Oshkosh has requested that I write to you asking if it would be possible for you to be in Appleton May 25th, Saturday night, in place of May 27th or 29th? They find that their arrangements make it impossible to change the date which was scheduled for Oshkosh. Mrs. Gudden explains that it would save travelling for you, if it would be possible to make this change. Your trip would then include [Appleton] on the 25th, her home in Oshkosh where you could rest on Sunday the 26th, the Oshkosh meeting the 27th and [Sheboygan] the 28th. [Sheboygan] is on the way to Chicago from Oshkosh. Appleton would require a trip north and back again. Mrs. Gudden believes that this change will make it possible for you to obtain more rest on the trip.

May we hear at an early date what plans you can make in this respect, for we wish to let Mr. Bushnell of Appleton know definitely. We are writing Mr. Bushnell to find out if the change is feasible.

Cordially yours,

Executive Secretary.

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