Jane Addams to James E. Boyle, November 19, 1912

Nov. 19. 1912

My dear Mr. Boyle:-

I am afraid I can be of very little service to you in the matter of which you write save to express my opinion. The Chairman of the Resolutions Committee at the Progressive Convention was Dean Lewis of the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania. In Wisconsin Prof. Commons and many of the other men have been know to be for La Follette and I think their action has never called forth serious criticism. I suppose universities differ in their politics, but personally I believe that it is a great advantage in practical political affairs to have men of education identified with them, and it would be unfortunate, would it not, if all institutions of learning insisted [page 2] upon non-partnership on the part of their faculty. It would of course withhold many valuable men from politics.

Regretting that I cannot go into "the matter of your rights and duties" because the whole question is so largely a matter for local decision, I am
Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mr. James E. Boyle,
Grand Forks.