Frances Alice Kellor to Jane Addams, September 6, 1912

ROOM 601

September 6th, 1912

Dear Madam:-

Woman suffrage and the holding by women of certain political offices in Ohio have been defeated.

The two old parties, hostile to suffrage and dominated by the liquor interests, have deprived women of the political opportunity.

In spite of the magnificent fight put up by WOMEN OUTSIDE OF PARTY LINES, they have lost.

They have another immediate chance through the passage of the initiative and referendum amendments in Ohio.

Does this not convince you:

That women cannot win by the policy of neutrality outside of party lines?

That women must be represented in a party which recognizes their rights and is pledged to work for and with them?

That women must help elect the party which is pledged to give them the vote?

The Progressive Party is pledged to work for suffrage. No other party is. Both are so dominated by the interests that they cannot pledge themselves to votes for women. Ohio proves it. [page 2]

The Progressive Party is pledged to the initiative and referendum, which is the only weapon women now have in Ohio to defeat the bosses. In many states there is no such second chance.

Vermont, which has hitherto given big Republican majorities, yesterday failed to elect a governor, this duty now devolving upon the Legislature. There are twenty-four Progressives in the new Legislature pledged to suffrage, as the result of a two weeks' campaign by the Progressive Party. How many Democrats and Republicans can you muster into line in Vermont as the result of years of work of political neutrality?

Think it over.

Suffrage is not won.

The women need a party with representation in the legislatures. Help the party to put in such representatives by working for it in every state.

Very truly yours,

Frances A. Kellor,

National Committeeman.

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