Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, July 1, 1912


July 1, 1912.

Dear Sister Kelly: --

There is no doubt that Mr. Rosenwald is president of Sears Roebuck and Company, and since Mr. Sears sold out I imagine he is almost the "whole thing".

Are you quite sure about the prison made goods? I shall be glad to take the matter up with him if I have the facts without doubt and with no chance of mistake.

John is still here theoretically although he is at Winnetka and other places the most of the time. I went on to New York for a Suffrage Committee meeting on Saturday and saw absolutely no one except Miss Waters and Miss Knight at the train. Miss Wald is so much better<,> and we are enormously relieved. The doctor considers the condition of her lungs much more serious than the erysipelas which has practically disappeared.

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mrs. Florence Kelly
New [York], N.Y.