Graham Taylor to Jane Addams, April 13, 1912


Chicago, April 13, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams: --

Our Easter was deeply shadowed by the recent death of two former residents within two weeks. Miss Isabella Terry Bond gave six years of most devoted, efficient and widely appreciated service in conducting our department of domestic arts and in work with women and girls for the family life of the neighborhood. She was beloved almost as a member of the family in many homes of various nationalities all through the neighborhood, where her loss is mourned as deeply as it is by us. We paid our last tribute to her memory by attending her funeral at the family home in Kenosha. Miss Gertrude Mumford, who headed up our manual training shop for two years, was killed in an accident at Detroit last week. She was devoted not only to her work, but personally to the boys and girls with and for whom she worked.

Under these shadows our Easter day was brightened by the gift of beautiful flowers from a kind hearted florist, whose wagon load of potted plants has gone to brighten many a tenement house home, after they served their good purpose at our Easter cycle. Our household held its annual Good Friday observance in a quiet hour for deepening the sense of the seriousness of our work lest "we take the sacrament of the people's service unworthily."

An occasion of rare interest, which I hope as many of our trustees as possible will share with us, is the unveiling and dedication of the neighborhood clock, which is erected in memory of Mrs. Emily Sheridan, long one of our most valued volunteer workers in the Woman's Club. It will cost over $500. Her friends among the poor women in the Club are contributing all they can. Her neighbors in Oak Park add their gifts, and the Donnelly family, to whom Mrs. Sheridan was related, generously offer to furnish the balance of the cost. A bronze memorial tablet will be placed in the vestibule of the main entrance.

Will you not reserve an hour on Tuesday afternoon, April 23rd, at three o'clock, to show our appreciation of the gift of this life and its memorial?

Truly yours, 

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