Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, February 3, 1911

The National Association
Advancement of Colored People

February 3, 1911.

My dear Mrs. Blaine:

May I introduce Mr. Villard, one of the editors of the New York Evening Post, who is the moving spirit in the Association for the Advancement of Colored People? We have, as you know, a little organization in Chicago, but we have as yet done very little there. I shall be very grateful if you can give Mr. Villard an opportunity to set forth some of our plans and hopes for this Association. You know, of course, how vexed the entire problem is and how necessary that some one should do some clear thinking and plan some decisive action in regard to it.

Mrs. Slade hoped that you would come to the dinner the other night in New York; I wish you might have been there. 

Always affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mrs. Emmons Blaine
Chicago, Ills.