Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, January 12, 1924


January 12, 1924

My dear Mr. Kellogg:

The young man who wrote the Kangaroo Court was here to see me today with Ralph Chaplin. They are very anxious to have a series of articles, sketches they call them, for the Survey on the men who have been released from Leavenworth but are about the be deported. Mr. Winship suggests that he would write them under his own name and not the pseudo-name used for the Court articles.

We are having a meeting here [tomorrow] night to consider the whole question. They have a great deal of interesting material and I hope very much you can use it. They are so eager to know about going on with the sketches that I shall have to ask you for a telegram.

Hastily yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mr. Paul U. Kellogg
The Survey
New York City

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