Jane Addams to Albert Joseph Kennedy, February 14, 1925

February 14, 1925

My dear Mr. Kennedy:

I am enclosing a list of the people to whom I have sent material in bulk. The "material" consists of two envelopes, the inner one stamped; the contributor's slip, and the circular.

I have just written to Mr. Gaylord White asking him to be Chairman of the Committee ↑for N.Y.↓ I made it clear did I not that the back sheet was left vacant for the Committees but I put the contribution slip on it in the meantime. It makes it all a little more vivid. We have gone "over the top" in Chicago, as they say in the Community Chest cities. We have $2100 promised; Hull-House $1000, Alice Robson $500; Sarah Robson $500; and Mary Rozet Smith $100. I am very glad I did not publish the allocation to the cities because of course we are trying to do much better than that in Chicago.

I am very much obliged for the preliminary appeal. Do I understand I may keep this one for use in Chicago? I think we are coming on all right.

I have just heard of your boy's illness. I am so sorry and hope he is better.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mr. Albert J. Kennedy,
20 Union Park,