William Colfax Graves to William Forbush Byron, April 10, 1925


April 10, 1925.

Dear Mr. Byron:

In keeping with our conversation over the telephone, I am sending you herewith Mr. Rosenwald's check to the order of Pelham Memorial Fund for $1000 contribution from Mr. and Mrs. Rosenwald under the offer of January 24th, last to Miss Addams. Mr. Rosenwald was much pleased to note that the building at the Bowen Country Club was so far advanced. One of his last acts before leaving to sail to Europe was to sign the enclosed check. He asked that it be handed to Miss Addams with his compliments and his best wishes for a happy Spring and Summer.

Sincerely yours.

Enc. ck.

Mr. William F. Byron,
Hull House, 800 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.