John Bertram Andrews to Jane Addams, February 10, 1925


February 10, 1925.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Since our annual meeting in Chicago I have been so busy with active legislative work that I have neglected to send you the few brief notes which one of my friends took down in long-hand during your address on the evening of December 28. I enclose the four scant pages with the thought that they may be of some little help to you in getting your article in shape for our American Labor Legislation Review.

I regret exceedingly that we did not have a stenographer present and I deeply appreciate your willingness to prepare a special article on "The Task of Securing Legal Readjustments Required by Industrial Changes." This was the rather cumbersome title as we printed it on our program. Of course, it is not at all essential that you follow this in writing your article. I am sure you should feel free to say anything that you may wish to express in reference to the whole field of labor legislation.

Faithfully yours,



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