Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Report on the Disposition of Materials, December 14, 1924



The Minutes, of which there appeared to be only one copy, were sent to Geneva.

One of the two Stenographic Reports, with an Index made by Miss Balch, was sent to Geneva.

A. T. Post filed at the Washington Headquarters, Dec. 4, 1924, the following:

Copies of letters to the Foreign Sections likely to use the English Edition of the Report, and to Miss Glücklich on the Distribution to the Sections, both written by Miss Balch.

Two letters from Geneva containing address of Persons representing Groups. (Reports were sent to these addresses.)

Lists of all Foreign Associate Members as received from Geneva. (Reports were sent over this list.)

Copies ↑of letters↓ sent with --

Reports to Libraries, written by Miss Balch;

[Reports to] College Presidents, written by Miss Balch.

Report of A. T. P. in [Redistribution] of English Edition of the Congress Report.

Copy of letter to Miss Glücklich in [Redistribution] Report.

Other material used in making the Congress Report, the Financial Records and the Correspondence, are in two Filing Boxes (of the kind called "Giant Piles") in the basement of A. T. P.'s house, 2513 Twelfth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

Alice Thatcher Post [signed]