Jane Addams to Mary Everts Ewing, August 26, 1924


Aug 26" 1924


My dear Mrs Ewing

We were very grateful for the letters from Mr Ewing and yourself.

We always assume of course that all is well when we do not hear but I grew most unaccountably anxious.

Two grey nuns came down from Canada this morning with "French lawn" [page 2] handkerchiefs made by the children in the [convents].

They seemed so soft that I am sending six to Miss Culver hoping that the nurses will be able to use them. I wish that there was a subtler way to express my affection, but perhaps the very [old-fashioned] gift will serve for the moment. [page 3]

We are having a fine summer [although] the fog has descended upon us the last two days, making an astonishing difference in the coloring of Maine!

Mary Smith unites with me in love to your household and to dear Miss Culver. We both very much appreciated your letters.

Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams.

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