Mary Rozet Smith to Esther Loeb Kohn, August 30, 1924


August 30.


Dear Mrs. Kohn

We were so stupid about the date of your sailing. In some way Jane and I had gathered -- how I don't know -- that you were going in October and so we were [dawdling] in an unaccountable manner. I hope our telegram to the steamer has reached you and that you will find J. A.'s letter in Tokyo. [page 2]

I have put in a letter to our friend Lucy Calhoun. Her husband was minister to China and she loved Peking and has gone back to live there for several years. She has a lovely old Chinese house and I do hope you will see it.

You must be sure to find the Burgesses at the Y.W.C.A. They know ↑a great deal↓ about conditions in Peking and were awfully kind [page 3] to us. Our "connections" were mostly with missionaries, and Y.W.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. people, but they are very wise about the countries they are in. I have put in a note to Miss Lade, one of the nurses at St. Luke's in Tokyo. She may not be ↑of↓ much use but she was a great friend of mine.

I am asking Alice to send you a card to a wild, strange but awfully [page 4] nice woman in Kyoto, whose name we seem to have lost. We both envy you as you start off on your travels.

I am sure you are all going to have a glorious time.

My best greetings your companions and my love to you. Jane says to tell you that she was handicapped by not having any addresses here. She has had to guess at them, or leave you to find them in the places. [page 5]

Do send us a card occasionally as you go. We shall miss you awfully at H.H.

With all the good wishes in the world I am

Affectionately yours

Mary Rozet Smith