Jane Addams to Esther Loeb Kohn, August 30, 1924



6, Rue du Vieux-Collége

My dear Mrs Kohn--

We have made out a list of books which we both thought very good. You will find most of them on a shelf in my bedroom, on the lower shelf of the long [bookshelf]. I should be glad to have you take them, returning ↑them↓ as you read them, [although] in some ways it is easier to buy them as one's gone along, as there are big book shops (Kelly & Walsh) is over the whole place, where one can get them for the country about to be [illegible].

We are also sending some cards, but I am sorry to say that they are mostly for Y.M.C.As and to missionary educators.

Our reception by the half dozen English officials to whom we had letters was so purely formal that I dare not venture letters of introduction to them. The Y.M.C.A's do [however] know a lot about Child Labor & other matters and are very interesting. [page 2]

[Savardekar] has a settlement in Bombay, India, the Higginbottoms have a leper colony near Allahabad, India, Mrs McKenzie is wife of the Pres't of Wilson College who knows a lot about Indian women [although] Scotch herself, perhaps she could give you the address of Mrs Roy very active in the [Brahmo] Samaj. I have no addresses here but will [enclose] a card to her!

Caroline McDonald will be fine and Mr Burgess of the Y.M.C.A. knows a lot about the social movements in Peking.

We did not know from your letter that you were going so early -- we had assumed Oct. I am sure however these will reach you in time and I hope will be of some use. I quite envy you for what lies ahead -- With every possible good wish, I am always affectionately yours

Jane Addams.