Arthur Piper Kellogg to Charles Read Nutter, June 24, 1910


June 24, 1910.

D. Appleton & Co.
Mr. C. R. Nutter,
35 West 32 St., City.

My dear Mr. Nutter:-

The authors and subjects for the book outlined yesterday morning are as follows:

Charity and Social Justice -- by Miss Jane Addams of Hull House, Chicago.

Occupational Standards -- by Paul U. Kellogg. Associate Editor of The Survey, New York. "Occupational Standards" is the title of the committee at the St. Louis meeting of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, of which my brother was chairman.

Toxin of Fatigue -- by Henry B. Favill, M.D., of Chicago. Dr. Favill is a well-known Chicago physician who has been particularly active in anti-tuberculosis work.

The Changing Attitude of the Courts Toward Social Legislation -- by Louis M. Greeley of Chicago, a [practicing] lawyer and Professor of law at Northwestern Law School.

Institutional Records and Industrial Causes of Dependency -- by Julia C. Lathrop of Hull House, Chicago, a member of the Illionois State Board of Charities, one of the directors of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy.

Minimum Wages and Minimum Wage Boards -- by Rev. John A. Ryan, D.D., of St. Paul's Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Father Ryan is the author of a book on minimum wage boards and an active member of the National Consumer's League's committee on the same subject. [page 2]

Present Wages in the Light of Recent Inquiries into the Cost of Living -- by Robert C. Chapin, Professor of Economics, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. Professor Chapin was in charge of a good part of the investigation and all of the writing of the report of the Committee on the Standard of Living of the New York State Conference of Charities, which was the pioneer in this field. His book, "The Standard of Living Among Workingmen's Families," a Russell Sage Foundation publication, grew out of this.

Industrial Diseases and Occupational Standards -- by John B. Andrew of New York, secretary of the American Association for Labor Legislation. Mr. Andrews recently completed a field of investigation on this subject, a complete report of which has been published by the United States Department of Labor.

Children's Institutions and Industrial Causes of Dependency (exact title not at hand) -- by Florence L. Lattimore, New York. As a member of the investigating staff of the Pittsburgh Survey, and as a member now of the field staff of the Russell Sage Foundation, Miss Lattimore has made an intensive study of this question.

Industrial Accidents -- by Crystal Eastman, New York. Miss Eastman is a member of the New York Bar, the secretary and a member of the New York State Commission on Industrial Accidents, Workmen's Compensation and Employers' Liability, appointed by Governor Hughes, which made its preliminary report to the New York Legislature last winter and drafted two bills on the subject. She is author of "Work-Accidents and the Law", a Russell Sage Foundation publication, based on her field work as a member of the staff of the Pittsburgh Survey.

Compensation for Accidents (exact wording of title missing) -- by Sherman C. Kingsley, manager of the United Charities of Chicago. Mr. Kingsley compares the [Page 3] large relief fund for the families of the miners killed at the Cherry mine disaster in Illinois with the meager amounts given an equal number of families in Chicago which were deprived of the wage earner in the course of every-day industrial accidents without the excitement and publicity of a great disaster.

What Our Official Statistics Do Not Tell Us -- by Mrs. Florence Kelley, general secretary of the National Consumer's League; author of "Ethical Gains Through Legislation" (Macmillan), editor of "Twentieth Century Socialism" by Kelley, and other books , an Associate Editor of The Survey Magazine and one who has had long training and experience in editorial work.

All the papers above mentioned, except Miss Addams's were given at the meetings of the Committee on Occupational Standards (Paul U. Kellogg, chairman) at the recent sessions of the National Conference of Charities and Correction in St. Louis. Miss Addams was president of the Conference- the first woman to hold that office.

Sincerely yours,