Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, July 8, 1924


Draft of letter to J A not copied exactly [as here]

Dear J A

Mrs Palthe has sent her accounts which take us to April 1924. Of course they cover only her own receipts and disbursements.

Miss Glücklichs accounts have also arrived. They include full accounts to end of June 1923, and a memorandum of receipts and expenses [for] the 35 months June 1 1921 when the last accounts closed to May 1 1924. I enclose a copy of this.

If you think this alone might do for the Report there is perfectly plain sailing. Equally of this & Madame Palthe's accounts would suffice.

The difficulties lie with the period July 1-Dec 31, 1923. [page 2]

Draft of a letter to JA [illegible] not exactly copied.

Miss Glücklich writes that she is sending all the accounts up to the second half of 1923.

With [illegible] regard to this half year the accountant has difficulties because the bookkeeper that proved so unsatisfactory was inexact so that receipts & expenses as entered by her do not run precisely by the half year period. The accountant may be able to correct this. He offers to do the accounts over for the year (1923) as a whole but as the same difficulty probably exists as regards the overlapping at the end of the second half year as at the end of the first this might be wasted labor.

The accountant charges 40 frs (= c. $8.00) a day.

If the accountant succeeds in corr getting the account for the last half of 1923 straight he will do this in any case. [page 3]

What should you think [of printing] the accounts on separate pages and sending with the report -- I suppose it would cost some what more.

If we get the figures, as I hope up to [illegible] June 30, 1924 our accounts will cover 3 years and a month (June 1-30 1921 being the extra month).

If we telescope the half yearly reports and [illegible] adding them and giving report by twelve month periods we shall have 3 pages of close printing if we can get the whole debit & credit on one page, otherwise six pages. [This] if we do not print Mrs Palthe's report which seems to be unnecessary. [page 4]

(1) We are to wire if we want him to prepare accounts for 1923 as a whole in case he cannot do this, with the chance that that effort would be wasted.

(2) We are to wire if we want the accounts audited for the first four months of 1924. As it is now July why cannot we get the accounts Jan 1-June 30, 1924?

I propose you sending the following cable if this seems best to you

Glücklich Willif Geneva

Sends accounts for entire year 1923 if account for last half alone impracticable. Send if possible accounts first six months 1924.


This is all going to mean delay and if this throws out Mrs. Posts plans [missing page(s)?]