Jane Addams to Edith Abbott, August 10, 1910


My dear Miss Abbott

I think that it would be quite fine if Dr Meigs would go in with Dr Yarros, it would be a much more comfortable arrangement than any room we have in the house. Don't give Mr Jones a chance to stay if he isn't desirable. I saw him but once and was very explicit about the [illegible] only. I will be most grateful to your sister if she will open the letters and please tell her that Prof Hoben field sec'y for the J. P. Assn is urging them to [page 2] establish [a] Vocation Bureau. I hope your sister can see him before any thing is done. This account of the new headquarters sounds most interesting and as if very genuine reforms were in progress.

Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

Aug 10" 1910

Won't you please have your mother use my rooms. It would give me much pleasure. [page 3]

[in an unknown hand] To Grace --

They say she is quite well & now leaving Bethel to stay with Mrs Bowen at Bar Harbor. It looks as if we may have vocation Bureaus to throw at the birds.