March 16" 1908
Dear Lady
Prof Jenks seemed to think that Ostrow might be spared from Ellis Island but I did not urge it as I had then heard that they were trying to get a detective from Cleveland.
A telegram came ↑here↓ yesterday however, these:
"Urge you to see Adler and Straus Tuesday. Have written. is this possible." [page 2]
I shall of course try to do this tomorrow that if you could telegraph me in care of Mr Cyrus Adler ↑Secty Straus↓ anything encouraging from the N.Y. end, it would probably help me very much. Could you telephone to Ostrow himself (who has had letters from Chicago) or to Prof Jenks to whom I have spoken.
It is too bad I was thrown off the track by the Cleveland scheme. [page 3]
The whole thing seems to me so enormously important to the Russian Jewish colony and the immigration laws that I am venturing to ask your aid to the full. I do wish that you could come to Washington tomorrow!
Always yours J. A.
March 16" 1908