Frederick Ferdinand Moore to Susan Ballard, August 6, 1923


August 6, 1923.

Dear Miss Ballard,

I found your letter regarding Miss Addams on my desk when I got back to this office this morning. If I am any judge of Miss Addams, she is not the sort of woman who is looking out for interviews or audiences with Imperial personages, such audiences amounting to nothing but complimentary notoriety, -- and in such matters I myself am little interested; but I believe Miss Addams wants to know the type of men who are in authority in the Japanese Government, the policies that they intend to follow, and what their successors may do and also what ↑the↓ prospects of general peace in and about the Far East may be. If I judge rightly, she would much rather have a conversation with the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, and the Minister of the Navy. I would be interested in arranging for her to see these men; I would go with her and help direct the conversation, if she wished me to do so, and before we [page 2] went I would go over maps and figures with her in an effort to give her an outline of conditions that exist in the Far East.

I wrote Miss Addams a letter which I left for her at the Hotel in Seoul, Korea, saying that when she came to Japan I would be pleased to do anything I could for her and that I thought I could arrange for her to see practically anybody she cared to see. I got no acknowledgment of this letter, which was probably due to the fact of her illness, but, on the other hand, I am somewhat afraid always of approaching prominent Americans lest they might think that I am trying to force Japanese views upon them, as it is a common charge made by Americans in China that the Japanese and their foreign advisors try to win favor by excessive hospitality in Tokyo. As you know, the Japanese are naturally a very hospitable people; they like to meet and to entertain prominent foreigners, but this hospitality is often mistaken for a tendency to pay compliments and to [page 3] curry favor. Therefore, it is my advice to them always to hold back and let the foreigners make the approaches.

I do not think it is necessary for me to do anything more than to say to you that if through you or directly ↑to me↓ Miss Addams and her friend Miss Smith should care to meet the above men, ↑or any others,↓ I will endeavor promptly to make engagements.

I may add that I have already approached Countess Uchida and have the Countess' word that she would be pleased if Miss Addams and Miss Smith would accept a luncheon from her and would give an indication of what ladies or sorts of ladies she ↑they↓ would like the Countess to have at the luncheon to meet them.

You are quite at liberty, of course, to show this letter to Miss Addams, and I hope that at the same time you will express to her my personal sympathy on account of her illness and my pleasure at hearing that she is so well on the road to recovery.

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

F. Moore [signed]