Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, March 3, 1922



6, rue du Vieux-Collège

March 3, 1922.

Dear Miss Addams,

I need not say that I was happy to get your letter of Feb 14 which reached me last night. I note your vote in regard to Frau Hertzka's proposition. It is one of the questions which will come up at the Ex. Committee meeting which I hope will be held in Geneva at the end of this month. How I wish you could be with us.

We have asked an Englishwoman, Mrs. Elgie, formerly the Secretary of the Leeds group, to come in Miss Thornton's place. She comes "au pair" and sounds the right sort of person.

I am very much interested in your proposal about Gertrud Baer. I agree with you that she is the best person in sight for my position and I hope we may reach that development before too long. It would be fine if Gertrud Baer could get here for the Ex. Comm. meeting. I will try to bring it about.

I too have a fine impression of Mrs. Robinson and wish she might work here for a while.

I should be very glad of course to have Minna Cauer's niece at the Maison Internationale some time. What is her name and address, just so that we may recognize her again if Cauer is not her name and perhaps keep in touch with her.

About Miss Wössner's successor we are hesitating between 3 possible candidates. I am much relieved to have the matter of head of the Maison Internationale already settled.

The books (Soldiers Three) and the package of pamphlets have just come. Thank you.

I am very happy about the American plan for a lecture tour and that it has been taken up with such enthusiasm. Gertrud Baer will go and I hope, Lucie Dejardin. If not she, we will find some other if we have to arrest her!

[written in left margin] ↑I am expecting to take [then?] passage on Zeeland Ap 14 from Antwerp↓

Catherine Marshall's father is seriously ill and I do not know whether she will be able to go to Genoa or not. I am not at all enthusiastic about going myself if she does not. -- I am awaiting with great interest your comment [page 2] on my proposal for a Manifesto to Genoa.

The plans for the Summer Schools are going well. I get fits of the shivers in thinking how much money we are risking, but we can make no [omelete] without breaking eggs and I hope you will approve my plunging ahead. I think that if we can get a hundred Italian students and a hundred non-Italian, the Varese school will pay for itself and I feel confident our thrifty and capable German Section will swing the Lauenstein school all right. I enclose a copy of a letter from Mlle Rolland.

Do you want any more copies of the Bulletin and how many copies of the Congress Report shall I send you? We have not yet seen it, but the first copies were supposed to have been delivered yesterday. ↑in Vienna↓

Always yours,

Emily G Balch [signed]