Dear Miss Addams.
You know that you are a member of Dr. Nansen's Comité International de Secours pour la Russie and that Miss Marshall took your place at the last meeting. They keep sending you material similar to the enclosed -- sometimes much more voluminous. I have been assuming that you [would] not want [page 2] to have it forwarded and letting it accumulate in the library here but if you care to have it it is no trouble to forward, of course.
I will send you the accou official account of the meeting with resolutions passed as soon as the English version of the R.C. bulletin La Sante reaches us which is always a little later than the English version rec'd yesterday. [page 3]
You may remember that you sent me $20 to pay for M Rév-de Guien & Burda's paper. This left a balance due you of 16.20. I am sending you the approximate value of this in the charming pamphlets about Prof. Cižek's art teaching which I feel sure you will like to have for Hull House or [parents?] interested in this sort of thing. I found the text [page 4] very interesting as well as the pictures.
Yours as you know
Emily G. B.