Donald Grant to Jane Addams, July 7, 1921



DATE: July 7th 1921.

Miss Jane Addams.

Dear Jane Addams,

You may remember that I spoke to you last night at the Friends Mission at Singerstrasse about the student relief work which the World's Student Christian Federation is doing in the countries of Central Europe. I enclose 2 copies of a bulletin descriptive of the origin, purpose and principles of this student relief work. This bulletin has been distributed in Austria, in Germany and in Czechoslovakia (German speaking) to the extent of 25.000 numbers.

I enclose also a report upon our special cases department, and a description of 19 examples of special cases; also a copy of our April report, showing the general scope of our activities. You will find also copy of letters of appreciation from the Rectors of Austrian Universities, and from the President of the Republic. [page 2]

The addresses of the student relief work in the countries of Central Europe I also enclose, including the chief office in Geneva.

It would be a good thing if members of the Congress, especially American members, who travel during these weeks in the countries mentioned, would call at the Office of the Student Relief work in each country, and get to know something of the work and of the conditions among students. This will enable them later in their own country to comment upon the student relief work, and to recommend it, even directly to ask for support for it, if they care to. For the coming winter, a sum of half a million $ has to be raised to carry on this work in a curtailed manner for the needy countries involved.

I hope what I am now putting before you does not take up too much of your valuable time, but this whole work is on an International basis, and does bring students of different lands together. You will see signs of this throughout the reports.

Would it be possible for us to leave copies of this student bulletin, and some copies of our reports on the bookstall at the Conference?

Thanking you for you kindness in this matter

↑Yours sincerely↓

Donald Grant. [signed]

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