Fritz Max Otto Neumann to Jane Addams, May 9, 1921

The American Convalescent Home for Vienna's Children
225 FIFTH AVENUE (ROOM [1104?])

May 9, 1921

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

The terrible plight of Vienna is history and the children of Vienna are the most pitiful sight human eyes ever saw; undernourished, bloodless and suffering from rickets and Tuberculosis, many of them crippled, all of them underdeveloped, they presented a problem too great almost to be comprehended in its full magnitude.

The problem to be solved is: "How can they be nursed back to health? How can they be brought up to be useful members of the human family?"

My answer was: "A Convalescent Home conducted in Hospital style" and THE AMERICAN CONVALESCENT HOME FOR VIENNA'S CHILDREN is exactly that. On the reverse side and on the enclosed sheet, you will find an outline of the history and accomplishments of the "Home". We have done a great deal, but by no means enough in comparison to the overwhelming misery prevailing in Vienna.

At present we are housing, feeding, clothing and treating 500 children at a time in our Tivoli Home and over 1000 are cared for in other institutions at our expense and under our control; our dispensary treats over 100 children every day. In the first eleven months of its existence the home took care of over 20,000 children. Naturally our work necessitates the expenditure of large sums and therefore we call on you and ask you to assist us in our humane endeavors.

Help, help, HELP! We cannot and must not abandon the children of Vienna; many have already died, others are dying, but many can yet be saved.

Give, give, GIVE! Think of your own children, of the healthy children raised in this country and help the poor ones in Vienna. Any gift, large or small, is needed; give quickly. Suffering children are actually waiting for the relief your donation will give. Help us to save them while it is yet time. For God's sake help and help quickly.

Very sincerely yours,

F Neumann [signed]

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