Rose Morgan French to Jane Addams, April 25, 1921


Frankfurt a/M. Apr. 25/21.

Dear Miss Addams;

Several months ago, I wrote, asking your help in securing a Commission of financial experts, to come ↑to Germany to↓ investigate the condition of industry and finance, in order that the U.S.A. might have an unbiased report as to Germany's ability to pay the indemnity demanded of her. Having received no reply to my personal letter to you, -- [though] replies came from President Harding, Mrs Villard and several others to whom I wrote at the same time, -- I must conclude that my letter did not reach you. Now, the circumstances have changed and the crisis is even nearer and it seems as if our county must help in some way, to solve this world problem. I am enclosing an article by Prof. Schulze [Gävernitz] -- (whom you probably know? -- He is an authority on Political [page 2] Economy, and is to give an address at our School of Methods, in Salzburg) -- also a copy of a personal letter I am sending to about forty prominent Americans. This letter is endorsed by Dr. Simons, Dr. Fehrenbach, Dr. Wirth, Prof. Briefs, Prof. Schulze-G. as well as many other Government and local officials. I am sure there is no need for me to plead for your help, dear Miss Addams, in this important matter. You know the conditions in Europe today, perhaps better than anyone save Mr. Hoover. I am hoping that Mr. Harding ↑will↓ save the situation and so redeem the mistakes of Mr. Wilson and give back to America, the moral leadership of the world. I am delighted to hear from Mrs Edinger, that you may stop over in Germany on your way to Wien. Do come as early as you can. These brave women need some new hope, encouragement and inspiration, all of which your presence would bring. With prayers for your health and happiness, and hoping for an early reply.

Rose Morgan French.