Emily Greene Balch to Stephen Pierce Hayden Duggan, February 17, 1921


Feb. 17, 1921.

Professor Stephen Duggan,
The Institute of International Education,
419 West 117th St., New York.

Dear [Mr.] Duggan,

I was glad to get your letter of January 26. I am eager to hear whether you are making any progress with the important idea of the plan of a Commission of Enquiry to go to Germany. Enquiry is what our people are always willing to spend money for and "Statesmen" love it because it gives them a breathing space during which they need do nothing. In spite of this cynical remark I believe that in this case such an effort would have substantial value, especially if the right people can be got to go.

I take for granted that you know of the work of the FIGHT THE FAMINE COUNCIL FOR ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION with its headquarters in London (Premier House, 150 Southampton Row). They are doing a very important piece of international work for which it is neither reasonable nor practicable to try to get all the support from England which is at present pretty hard hit. The Research work in general is suffering. The Peace Council Information Department has come to an end and the [Labor] Research Department is closing down. The Fight the Famine Council tells that their information department is seriously crippled and will be fatally [impeded] unless funds can be obtained. They are therefore applying or proposing to apply to the Carnegie Trust for help. Can you imagine anything more suitable and useful for part of that money to flow through? I hope that you will give your very important support to their demand. Is there any one that it would be useful for me to write to in the matter?

We have most interesting relations with the League of Nations, especially with members of the Secretariat. I think the public does not [realize] the enormous asset that this body of able public servants owing [a service?] not to one country but to all is to the cause of internationalism. They are a constant inconspicuous steady force acting as all permanent working staffs do on their political superiors in the sense of the things that we stand for. I wish there might [letter continues on top of page] a fuller knowledge of their work and better support for it ↑among↓ the intelligent public. Of course, it might do harm if the fact of how much to the left of the Council policies they stand were made too public, but they ought to get appreciation and backing. -- We also had very fruitful contact with members of the Assembly while it was in session. I wish you could also make it known what good work the women on the Assembly did and what an advantage it was not to the cause of feminism but to the cause of international progress to have them there.

Always cordially yours,

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