Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, January 11, 1921


My Dear Miss Addams,

I want much to see you. I have had a most wonderful experience and have so much to tell about it, only I guess I overestimated my strength and went to bed ill almost on my arrival home and am having to exercise care not to overdo, which is a horrible [page 2] bore, when I want to be doing day & night. However I am getting better.

My concern now is to ask if you cannot attend the next W.I.L. Board meeting the first Thursday in February. It is to be at our house here in Lansdowne, including lunch, and I hope you can come the night before & stay over the night after. I suppose you [page 3] will be in Washington, so am hopeful you can arrange your [time] so do it and give us all the treat of having you at our meeting & me the pleasure of a little visit from you.

I had a [week] with Miss Balch at Maison Internationale & attending opening (except first) sessions of Assembly of League of Nations. It was lovely to see Miss Balch & we had some nice talks, only she [page 4] is a desperately busy person.

Hoping very much to see you here on Feb. 3rd (rather have you arrive Feb. 2nd) always affectionately your friend

Lucy Biddle Lewis.

Lansdowne, Pa.

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