Relief for Russian Woman and Children
During ten months there were 1,536,000 cases of typhus in Russia, largely due to a total lack of medicines, soap and disinfectants. The typhus epidemic is the greatest menace today to western Europe and America. It must be stopped at its source. As the influenza came to America from Europe, so if help is not given to Russia, instead of another influenza epidemic, America will be confronted with a much more terrible plague -- typhus.
At present large parts of blockaded Russia are sinking into deeper misery. The death rate among the children of Northern Russia is appalling. An appeal from the Russian Patriarch for help for the women and children of Russia was received in Chicago in May. England has had a similar appeal from the Russian [Intelligentsia]. Can their appeal for help go unanswered?
England Responds
The English "Save the Children's Fund" with which Lord Robert Cecil is identified has already responded. Its first relief consignment reached Moscow on March 25th. The English Society of Friends succeeded in delivering a cargo of medical supplies at Petrograd on March 29th, and Englishmen representing the Society have gone to Moscow to arrange for its distribution there.
The Danes and Norwegians Give
The Danes and Norwegians are making great sacrifices that the children so near them may not perish of hunger. Dr. F. Nansen in a manifesto entitled "Help the Dying Russians," says: "This is no question of political views or color -- they all fade in death. There are fearful human sufferings to alleviate, there are human beings to be saved in order that they may join us in building up the future Europe. May they live with the feeling that in Norway, at any rate, there is a little people to whom love of their neighbors counts more than political calculations."
American's Response Should be Prompt and Generous
Because of the greater abundance we have to share and because we have in our midst great numbers of people whose mother country is Russia, [page 3] America's response should be prompt and generous. Among these Russian Americans are young men who served in the American army but whose allotments have never reached their dependents in Russia; men who constitute a large part of the workers in our basic industries, and who have wives, children, mothers and sisters in Russia, have been and still are unable to send them either money or supplies -- unable to hear whether they are alive or dead. Relief is a necessary, immediate next step; it will be needed long after the blockade is lifted.
How American Relief Will Be Sent
The Joint Committee of the American and English Societies of Friends offers the American Committee for Relief of Russian Women and Children its [cooperation] in the purchase, shipment and supervision of the distribution of supplies. Shipments will be made direct from the United States, or if clearance papers cannot be secured, via England. The Secretary of State, Mr. Bainbridge Colby, has assured the Committee of his assistance in arranging for direct shipment.
How Much Will You Help?
Make checks payable to The Treasurer, American Committee for Relief of Russian Women and Children, Room 1317 -- 19 South La Salle Street, Chicago.
Appeal by Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church
Delegated by the Russian Orthodox Clergy, headed by the All-Russian Patriarch, by the Hebrew Rabbis in Russia, by the Russian Academy of Sciences, by the Academy of Arts, by the All-Russian Union of Actors, headed by the State Theaters, by the Russian poets, writers, composers, professors, by one hundred thousand university students and instructors, by the high and elementary schools, by two thousand [cooperative] establishments, by hospitals, homes, societies, companies, persons and institutions of the most diverse political parties and views, I transmit this appeal.
"Citizens of America! In the northern regions of Russia, children are dying of hunger. When children are dying -- the future of the nation is dying. We address ourselves to the mind and heart of the American people with the most ardent plea for help for the Russian children with food supplies. We appeal for help to a nation which more than once in the past actively and generously aided the Russian people, and we hope that on this occasion also the Americans will respond to our call."
Officers and Members American Relief for Russian Woman and Children
Rev. Frank O. Beck
A. G. Becker
Helen Bennett
Mrs. Emmons Blaine
Karl Borders
S. P. Breckinridge
Judge E. O. Brown
Robert Buck
A. J. Carlson, M.D.
William A. Cunnea
Prof. Ralph Dennis
Marquis Eaton
Noble Elderkin
Prof. and Mrs. James A. Field
Hon. Walter L. Fisher
Mrs. Maurice L. Goodkind
Rev. Frank W. Gonsaulus
Alice Hamilton, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Jas. L. Houghteling, Jr.
Joel D. Hunter
Prof. T. Atkinson Jenkins
Charlotte Greenebaum Kuh
Rabbi Felix Levy
Isaac Don Levine
Samuel Levine
Mrs. Frank R. Little
Prof. Robert M. Lovett
Mary E. McDowell
Rev. Father Mardary
Mrs. George Mathes
Prof. George H. Mead
James Mullenbach
Editha Phelps
Wilber E. Post, M.D.
Mrs. Jenkin Lloyd Jones
Mrs. Raymond Robins
Rev. Father Ross
Mrs. Julius Rosenwald
Marie J. Rozet
Amelia Sears
Rev. Father [Siedenburg], S.J.
Prof. Edward A. Steiner
Rev. John Timothy Stone
Graham Romeyn Taylor
Mrs. John Francis Urie
H. Gideon Wells, M.D.
G. Herbert White
Prof. Herbert L. Willet
[Rachelle] S. Yarros, M.D.
Checks should be made payable to Treasurer and sent to American Relief for Russian Women and Children. Room 1317, 19 So. La Salle Street.
↑Mr. Kellogg Fairbank↓