Jane Addams to Stanley Ross Linn, August 2, 1920


My dear Stanley

It was awfully nice to see the [enclosed] which I am returning with my thanks.

I am here with Mary Smith until Aug 15" when we go up to Long's Peak Inn, also in Colorado. She has had another operation and is obliged to be very careful this summer. Mary Linn came down from Denver to spend Sunday with us. The [page 2] little girls were up on a ranch but she was obliged to come down for her asthma.

Our address after Aug 15" will be Long's Peak Inn -- Estes Park Colorado where we hope also to see Walter. I do hope Myra will have a fine vacation and rest. Miss Reynolds gave us glowing descriptions of June and the little family as a whole. Mary Smith sends her love to you.

I will write again and am always your devoted Aunt

Jane Addams

Aug 2d 1920 [page 3]

P.S. I stopped to see Marcet in Girard. She is very well and happy and has two fine children.