Henrietta Octavia Rowland Barnett to Jane Addams, December 2, 1919


December 2nd, 1919.

↑Dearest Miss Addams --↓

Pardon me writing by type, but I am, as you know very busy, and I feel almost hopeless in writing to you, for I never get a reply. And yet I do want you to know that I am bearing you in most affectionate admiration. I wonder why you do not write to me. Do you know I think you have only written once in the six years during which I have been alone. Your Secretary wrote once, but usually I get silence to the letters I launch to you in your great country.

I hope you are quite well and that your work for the starving people did not [page 2] make you ill.

I have received some delightful letters about my book from America, and a few reviews but not many. Perhaps not very many have been issued. In England they still go on, but as I think I told you I have not the courage to read them, but I am most gratified by the private letters from people who have found the book helpful and stimulating.

Mrs H. B. Irving, who as you know, has recently lost her husband, told me yesterday that she did not know how she would have lived through the last month or two had it not been for the sustenance, gained by reading my book about my husband. Indeed tributes come every day, and I am grateful for I want the book to be useful. [page 3]

I have soon to decide whether I do come to America or not in late April for May and June, and so much depends on your wishes and advice, that I venture to hope that I shall get a reply to this letter. I should like to lecture on housing for I think that is the most urgent need, and I have been so happy as to influence the action of certain provincial towns in England by my lectures. I could also, of course, speak on Settlements, which are beginning to [realize] somewhat their position in the problems of reconstruction. But the question of paying Miss Paterson's and my expenses must to some extent be settled before I can decide whether we come. You said something hopefully, if vaguely, about arrangements being made that would meet my travelling expenses, but I do not know whether you meant that the lectures should be paid and arranged by a lecturing agency, or that there was some endowment which would pay for them.

I could not stay more than six weeks or two months, namely ten weeks from shore to shore, but I should immensely like to come, and if you think it would be useful I will make every effort to do so, but as you will know it has to be planned.

I do hope you are well. Indeed if you would only write to tell me that it would be something, but I will not groan at you any more, but give you a kiss instead.

Yours always in true affection,

Henrietta Barnett [signed]