Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, November 6, 1919


November 6, 1919

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois

Dear Miss [Addams],

Pending a meeting of the Board, I am sending all members the following enclosures:


Three typewritten pages which show the year's outcome (September 30) against our budget, and the reconciliation of the budget with the treasurer's sheet.

They show that on a year's operations, totaling about $125,000, our expenditures overran our balanced budget something like $2,000 -- the chief item being in manufacture (printing rates were raised sharply) and in the subscription department where wages and expenses went up. On the other hand, our general contributions and subscription receipts overran our budget on an amount which fully balanced the foregoing items.

Although we more than doubled last year's contributions (general and restricted funds combined), we fell short by something over $3,000 in raising the $20,000 "construction fund" authorized last fall in order to rehabilitate issues, staff and field work; and there is a deficit in our year's operations of a corresponding amount. We had, however, a flying start at the outset of the year in the shape of a balance of $2,373.17 and by putting this into the pot, we closed the twelve month and entered the new year (October 1, 1919-20) with a balance of $35.18!


Copies of correspondence with the Russel Sage Foundation setting forth their constructive and generous offer for 1919-20.


Proof of a paragraph from our November magazine number which is self-explanatory and which you may want to tuck away among your curios, [page 2] for it is a proof from the first issue of any magazine in the world, parts of which are printed by a new process. Every line of this paragraph is automatically justified and every letter is given its proper space value, and yet it is printed without the use of type, slugs or other of the customary tools which have been employed since printing was invented.


A memorandum on our articles on the steel strike which make up the feature of this November issue. In view of the fragmentary and often distorted statements published in the newspapers, I should be glad for you to know the pains we have taken to get at the facts. The articles have been put through the Survey's regular procedure for staff field work, and are in the particular industry in which we have specialized for a decade.


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