Gertrude Laverack Winslow to Jane Addams, December 10, 1917

4 Alwyngton Rd.
Chestnut Hill

My dear Miss Addams,

I feel that I must express to you, however inadequately, the inspiration it was to me and to all our Boston group, to see you at the Annual meeting of the Woman's Peace Party. The shining beauty of your personality radiated through every gathering and filled me with a deep sense of gratitude for your leadership and of humility before your far-sighted wisdom and spiritual vision.

The fact that you have stood strong and steadfast through all these trying months, has helped more than anything else to keep firm those of us who might else have wavered. The thought that you, the most beautiful personality in the world [today], are the leader in this woman's protest against war, constantly renews our faith in the greatness of our cause and in its ultimate triumph. Our [efforts seem sadly] futile at times, but if we can only sow the seed now, it may be that it will bear fruit in generations to come. And nothing inspires us to greater exertions than the thought that you are our leader and that we must somehow try to be worthy of you.

I am writing this, not because I think it can mean anything to you who must receive daily similar expressions of admiration and devotion, but because it is a relief to put on paper what is in my heart. Being one of those ridiculously inarticulate people who find it difficult to talk of the deeper things in life, I rely on my pen to say what I cannot express in spoken words. But I hope you will believe in my sincerity and will understand that it is the thought of you largely that keeps those of us who represent the radical minority on the Board of our Mass. Branch from [handing] in our resignations and that for you we are ready to perform any service in our power.

Very sincerely yours,

Gertrude L. Winslow.
(Mrs. A. N.) [signed]

Dec. 10.

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