Jane Addams to Crystal Eastman, September 28, 1917

Lake Geneva Wis
Sept. 28th 1917

My dear Miss Eastman

Owing to the vagaries of Country mail your material came too late for more than a telegraphic answer into which I seemed unable to compress my sentiments.

I am in favor of the division as you suggest it in the second paragraph of the first page of your letter. I should like to continue to work with the first group -- the six whom you suspect of resigning -- and if no such group is formed for no(1) then I should like [page 2] to withdraw my name from the reorganization of the whole. The activities must reside in the hands of a committee that can meet often and I am too far away to follow intelligently and to have a hand in deciding what should be done in these troublous times. I think that is a place for the two groups and I should be sorry not to continue to be a part of number one.

I am very grateful for the historic resumé and the clear statement. I disagree only on one point, we have found in Chicago that certain "Jingo" lawyers will still fight for Constitutional [page 3] liberties and like the committee better if there are not too many Pacifists on it.

Please let me know how you come out. With cordial greetings

I am Faithfully yours

Jane Addams.

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