Ella C. Sullivan to Jane Addams, May 28, 1906

Board of Education
City of Chicago
Tribune Building
Office of the Superintendent of Schools

May 28th, 1906.

Miss Jane Addams,
Chairman, School Management Committee.

My dear Miss Addams:

The supervision of the kindergarten has been placed directly under the principal of the school. This operates well so far as general conditions are concerned, but there are questions constantly arising among the kindergarten teachers that require the judgement and direction of kindergarten experts. The kindergarten teachers themselves, feeling the need of such expert advice, have formed themselves into clubs which meet in conference with the directors of the kindergarten colleges from which the members of the clubs are graduates.

In consequence of this practice there is a tendency toward diversity instead of unity in the kindergarten work of the city. Closer consideration of the kindergarten teachers of the public schools is needed, and to secure such [cooperation] I respectfully recommend the appointment of a committee of kindergarten experts from within our school system. To this committee might be referred for decision all questions of importance to the kindergarten body. The formulation of the course of study for kindergartens, the need of which has been suggested by Miss O'Grady, the consideration of materials used in [kindergarten work], [the] classification and promotion of children and the proper direction of the out-door life of the children would be valuable subjects for the consideration of such a committee. Almost as important as a course of study is its correct interpretation by persons thoroughly versed in the nature and purpose of kindergarten work. The influence of a committee of this nature would be to harmonize and strengthen the whole course of kindergarten instruction in our schools.

Respectfully submitted,

Ella C Sullivan [signed]

District Superintendent.


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