Secretary to Jane Addams to Susie Alice Richardson Radley, May 5, 1917


May 5th, 1917.

My dear Mrs. Radley: --

Miss Addams has asked me to write to you and thank you for your letter of May 3rd which she has read with much interest, as she has also read your poem with much interest. She has asked me to return the poem to you and to send with it some of the publications of the Woman's Peace Party, especially the recent programs for work during war time which have been published, one by the National Woman's Peace Party and one which has been published by the Chicago Branch.

The Chicago Branch is holding its annual meeting on Wednesday. Perhaps you would be interested to come to this meeting, where we are going to discuss the program which I am sending to you.

Very sincerely yours,

Mrs. William Radley,
4726 Kenwood Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois.