Jane Addams to Walter Hines Page, April 10, 1906


April 10, 1906.

My dear Mr. Page:

I am very grateful for your kind letter and offer of publication of the "Ladies' Home Journal" articles if they are expanded into a book. In the midst of writing them I did make an outline of four more chapters and I have felt some enthusiasm toward going on with it but have since become so immersed in the Chicago School Board that I find it hard to pull my mind out of it long enough to think of books;

I am also to give ↑[Although]↓ a course of lectures ↑I am to give↓ at the University of Wisconsin this summer which are to be handed over to Macmillans September first as the material to my long promised book in Mr. Ely's series.

↑I am afraid these lectures will exhaust me [although] I should be glad to submit some of the Ladies Home Journal [material?] to you.↓ I have a very cordial letter in regard to publishing the book ↑articles↓ from Mr. McClure [page 2] and a somewhat formal one from Appletons.

You are all very kind to believe in the success of an unwritten document, but ↑and↓ if anything will make it possible it will be letters such as yours.

Perhaps I shall be able to submit some material to you before long.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Mr. Walter H. Page,
Care Doubleday, Page & Company,
New York City.