Jane Addams to Myra Harriet Reynolds Linn, January 19, 1917

<You know how sorry I am for you in this very hard time!>
Jan'y 19" 1917


My dear Myra

Your letter this morning was not quite so reassuring [although] the telegram was later.

Please do not think of saving money in connection with the illness but spend the automobile money freely [page 2] for every thing Stanley can possibly need. He must not go to work for a long time. When he is better in a few weeks and you can talk with him about the plans, perhaps you can buy the trees and pay for having them properly planted in February.

If it is necessary for him to resign his place, he must do it rather than to go back to work too soon. I will send money for any bills that are due as soon as you send me the amounts -- and will send later the $500. for the trees. Of course Stanley mustn't be worried about [page 3] money <or budgets> when he is sick and I will of course want to pay for the expenses of his illness. Be sure to keep the nurse until he is very well -- the nursing is a great item in typhoid or allied troubles. It is very cheering to hear of the baby's improvement, & I hope she will soon gain her lost pounds. With love to you all, your loving aunt (see P.S.) Jane Addams

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