Jane Addams to Rebecca Shelley, July 21, 1916

Bar Harbor

My dear Miss Shelly

A cablegram was forwarded to me from Chicago stating that Rosika Schwimmer was sailing on the Bergensfjord and wished to see Miss Balch and myself.

I caught Miss Balch with a telegram in Detroit on Wednesday and she agrees to come up here to Bar Harbor for the interview as the doctors are not eager to have me travel.

Will you meet Mde Schwimmer for me -- I am not even sure of the time but you can find out in New York -- or have a telegram or letter at the boat, saying that Miss Balch and I will meet her here. She sent the cablegram to Chicago and it is barely possible that she would start for the west.

Will you telegraph me when she lands and I will communicate at once with Miss Balch.

I won't apologize for troubling with work in our common cause, I hear very nice things about the new committee. Good Luck to you!

Faithfully yours Jane Addams

July 21" 1916

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