Jane Addams to Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs, November 8, 1915


November 8, 1915

My dear Dr. Jacobs:

I don't know whether the ridiculous bayonet story is still afloat in England. It became so palpably unfair that I finally received some vigorous [defense] from several leading papers. I am sending some clippings in case they may be useful to you. Perhaps Miss Hobhouse would have them in the office. I am hoping for a letter from you giving me some idea of the current situation. We have made the appointments for the Committee of Five and the other twenty have been invited formally by the Executive Committee of the Woman's Peace Party. I will send you a list as fast as the acceptances come in.

With cordial greetings to Miss Hobhouse and yourself, I am

Affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Dr. Aletta Jacobs
Amsterdam, Holland.