Henry Carter Adams to Jane Addams, March 7, 1901


Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 7, 1901.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Miss Addams:

I have always felt quite at ease in addressing you in all of your other roles, however prominent, but as the "General Western Manager" of Prince Kropotkin, I confess I am a little abashed.

There are two organizations at the University which might perhaps care to take the responsibility of giving Prince Kropotkin a hearing. I doubt, however, if they could make the dates. You say that he is engaged for the 11th of April. The spring recess begins on the 12th. This leaves the only dates open April 9 and 10. The Lecture Association has a lecture on the first of April by Hopkinson Smith. However, I will at once communicate with the young men who have these Associations in charge and ask them to write directly to you in case they think it possible to invite the Prince to address the students.

By the way, are you not coming to Ann Arbor soon? (I hope it was not last week that you were here and that I did not know it, although I am quite capable of such oversights.) Will you not, when you come, make your stay with me? Mrs. Adams joins me most heartily in this suggestion.

Very sincerely yours,