Denver, Colo., Dec. 5, 1904.
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago, Ills.
My Dear Miss [Addams]:--
I take pleasure in introducing to you the bearers, Mr. O. S. Storrs, Dr. C. B. James and Mr. Daniel Webb, the charity commissioners of the City and County of Denver. These gentlemen are on their way east, in an official capacity, with a view of learning as much as they can as to the charitable and philanthropic work of some of the eastern cities. Mr. Storrs is chief probation officer of the juvenile court. Dr. James is especially active in charitable work in the city, as is also Mr. Webb, who is a member of the city Board of Supervisors.
Any courtesies you can show them will be greatly appreciated by me and our people generally.
Sincerely yours,