5 results

  • Date is exactly "1924-12-29"

Addams argues that states rights arguments are being used to defeat the child labor amendment.

Catt tells Morrisson about planning for the Conference on Cause and Cure of War, including inviting Addams. She also discusses the attacks on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and her desire that they fight back harder.

Morrisson sends Addams information about her role as a delegate to the Conference on the Cause and Cure of War

Glücklich drafts a letter to the Peruvian president asking him to show show amnesty to citizens exiled and persecuted for their beliefs during Peru's Army Day celebration of December 9.

Glücklich asks the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's European Sections to appeal to the Peruvian government for amnesty for citizens who have been exiled because of their convictions.