Mabel L. Hyers to Sadie C. Nutter, August 24, 1915


Chicago, August 24, 1915.

Mrs. S. C. Nutter,
Clovis, New Mexico.

My dear Mrs. Nutter:

May I answer for Miss Addams your letter of August 18th. We are now reprinting the resolutions adopted at the International Congress of Women at The Hague. With the reprint of the President's speech and a few comments concerning the meetings. We also expect in a few days reprints of Miss Addams' New York speech made upon her return to this country after visiting the belligerent nations of Europe. I shall be very glad to send these to you the latter part of this week as I am sure they will answer all your questions.

We are glad your State Federation is interested in the peace movement and hope that we may at some time be of service to you.

Very sincerely yours,

Acting Executive Secretary.