Jane Addams Tells Why, August 9, 1912

Jane Addams Tells Why.

Chicago, Aug. 9. -- Jane Addams of Hull House, in an authorized interview gives her reasons for supporting the Progressive party and Colonel Roosevelt.

"There are two principle reasons," Miss Addams said. "The first is that the platform of the Progressive party contains many plans and advocates many reforms for which I have been working for years.

"The second reason is that the party comes out unequivocally for woman suffrage. A woman suffrage plank was presented to both the old parties and was refused.

"Nowhere is there a better and more direct opportunity for accomplishing the things I have been working for than here. They have pledged themselves to the care of the aged, to give relief to overworked girls, to protect the children. It is inevitable that a party with such a platform should appeal to every woman, and especially to those who have been identified actively with reforms in this country."

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