Rose <Lowes> Dickinson
Bertrand Russell
Lady [Selborne]
Lord Robert Cecil
Lord Crewe
Allen Baker, M.P.
W. H. Dickinson, M.P.
Noel Buxton, M.P.
Mr. Whitehouse M.P.
Percy Alden, MP
Ramsay MacDonald, M.P.
Charles Trevelyan, MP
Arthur Ponsonby, M.P.
Graham [Wallas]
Sidney [Webb]
Leonard Hobhouse
Hirst, Editor Economist
Massingham, Editor The Nation
[S. K.] Ratcliffe, Editor Daily News
Alfred Zimmern
Lloyd George
Lord Chief Justice Rufus Isaacs, Earl of Redding
Lord Morley
Lord Bryce
Lord Haldane
Lord [Loreburn], (Robert Reid)
Archbishop of Canterbury
Bishop of Winchester
Bishop of Bombay
Carlisle of Oxford
Gilbert Murray
Sidney Ball, St. John's Oxford
[A. L.] Smith, Balliol Oxford
George Cadbury, Birmingham
John Burns M.P.
E. Morel M.P.
Lord and Lady Courtney
Mrs. Barnett
Mrs. Creighton
Olive Schreiner
Vernon Lee
Alice Meynell
Lady Henry Somerset
Mrs. Swanwick
Lady Barlow
<Lord Eustace Percy
[G. H.] Perris
[Aylmer] Maude
Herbert Stead
180 members of English Committee, Settlement people [etc etc].> [page 2]
May 6 Minister of Foreign Affairs for Holland, Mr. [Louden]
May 7 Prime Minister of Holland, Cort [van] der Linden
May 13 Minister of Foreign Affairs for Great Britain, Sir Edward Grey
May 14 Prime Minister of Great Britain, Mr. Asquith
May 21 Minister of Foreign Affairs for Germany, Graf von Jagow
May 22 Chancellor of Germany, von [Bethmann-Hollweg]
May 27 Prime Minister of Austria, Graf Stürgkh
May 27 Minister of Foreign Affairs for Austria-Hungary, Baron [Burián]
May 29 Prime Minister of Hungary, Count Tisza
June 1 Minister of Political Affairs for Switzerland, Dr. [Hoffmann]
June 1 Pres. of the Swiss Confederation, Signor [Motta]
June 4 Minister of Foreign Affairs for Italy, Baron Sonnino
June 5 Prime Minister of Italy, Professor Salandra
June 6. Secretary to the Pope, Cardinal [Gasparri]
June 8 Pope Benedict XV
June 12 Minister of Foreign Affairs for France, M. Delcassé
June 14 Pres. de [Conseil], Dr. Viviani
June 15 Minister of Foreign Affairs for Belgium, M/ [Davignon]
<Northern Committee
Denmark -- Prime Min -- Mr Zahle
Min. of For Af -- Mr Scavenius
Norway -- The King of Norway
Prime Min -- Mr Knudsen
Min. of for. af -- Mr Ihlen
4 Prests of the [Storting]
Sweden -- Min. of foreign affairs
Mr Wallenberg --
Russia Min of foreign affairs -- Mr [Sazonov]>