Millicent Garrett Fawcett to Jane Addams, May 11, 1915


May 11, 1915

2, Gower Street.

My dearest [Miss] Addams,

Just a few lines to give you a very hearty welcome. How thankful I am that you were not on the Lusitania!

I have been at the IWSA office this afternoon & heard there to my great disappointment that you are leaving England this week. I [page 2] had thought it would be next week from [a] paragraph in yesterday's Times, and that I should have been able to arrange a little party of friends to meet you. I left word at the I.W.S.A office to call a Head Quarters [Commitee] on Thursday next at 12. I hope very much you will be able to attend. I have an interesting proposal from [page 3] Sweden forwarded by Mrs Chapman Catt which I want to bring before the [Committee].

I hope to give myself the pleasure of calling on you tomorrow, Wednesday afternoon about 2.30. If there is no chance of my finding you ask you kindly send me a telegram, for which I enclose form. [page 4]

Believe me. Very Sincerely Yours

M. G. Fawcett

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