Catherine Elizabeth Marshall to Jane Addams, May 7, 1915


British Committee of the International Women's Congress


May 8 7th

Dear Miss Addams,

We are delighted & honored at the prospect of your visit. We have been eagerly awaiting Miss Courtney's telegram, which arrived this morning.

He <Lord Bryce> was not able to give you an appointment this Monday, as you wished, but I have arranged for you to see him Lord Bryce at his house (3 Buckingham Gate, S.W.) at 11:15 on Tuesday. [page 2] as you wished.

I enclose a copy of the [program] we have arranged for the days when you will be with us.

We hope that you will be comfortable as our guest at the St. Ermin's Hotel. We thought it would be more restful to you to be there, than to stay with any of the hostesses who would have been delighted to welcome you. The St. Ermin's Hotel is centrally situated, quite close to St. James's Park Station, to this office, [page 3] to the places where the [reception] <various> & public meetings will be held, and to Lord Bryce's house.

Offering you a most cordial welcome on behalf of the British Comtee,

Believe me

Yours very truly,

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