February 2, 1915.
My dear Mrs. Catt: --
I thank you very much for your kind letter of Jan. 27th and your plan of beginning correspondence with the auxiliaries of the Alliance. It seems to me the very best way to begin our international development. Do you think it would be better to have the international correspondence <council> done through Mrs. Barrett and that of the International W. C. T. U. done through Miss Gordon. Miss Gordon is, [you] know, in Evanston, practically in Chicago. She has been abroad a great deal with Miss Willard, and I think has very good foreign connections. I had a splendid report from Mrs. Barrett the other day of her experiences with the embassies, and she seems to be quite cognizant with the foreign correspondence.
You spoke of my entering into correspondence with the last two organizations, and I will say nothing to the respective presidents until I hear from you again. Your plan seems to be the only feasible one which has been suggested.
We are holding on here very well, and in a few days I will send you some of our new literature.
Faithfully yours,