Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 27/15.
My dear Miss Addams,
In my opinion there is only one sure way to secure world peace, and that is to prove to the man who does the real fighting that he is the goat -- in other words that the average war is not his war.
Enclosed you will find a copy of a poem which is written with that express purpose -- to prove to the man who shoulders the gun that he is not a hero but a victim of lack of education. You are at liberty to use the poem at the convention for any purpose you see fit. However, I have my own plans about what manner it should be utilized later to bring about the most good.
It has never been published. If the poem, appeals to you, as I believe it will, from what I know of you, you will be able to aid me a great deal with the plan I have in mind.
Yours truly,
#100 I-2 North Pryor Street.